Peace on Purpose


The Peace On Purpose Podcast is a coffee date style education podcast packed with practical strategies that are helping thousands of Christian homemakers and female entrepreneurs build a legacy from faith, not fear. You can overcome worry by realigning with God's endless possibilities in any and every area of your life.

My most
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Not sure where to start? Dive into these episodes for practical insights that pack a punch, offering actionable steps you can immediately start cultivating to experience peace in your life.




Break The Cycle of Living Paycheck to Paycheck

My Go-To Game Plan For Bickering Kids

7 ways to cultivate peace on social media

All Episodes

You have probably prayed with your kids. You’ve taught them how to pray. You’ve cracked open the Bible–God’s Word. You’ve gone to church. You’ve had dinner with other believers and maybe even Bible studies or small groups. Your kids have been around other believers and it’s possible that they even know how to act like […]

I was tempted to lay down my peace recently when I was scheduled for an ultrasound appointment while pregnant with Riven. Even though everything was standard and there was no cause for alarm, it brought up the searing memories of losing our baby at 23 weeks several years ago. As I shared about this on […]

Do you ever do this? Do you ever hop on social media and see a post from someone you went to high school with or someone from your church or someone that’s even close to you in real life now and the post is bad news and It’s the kind of bad news that all […]

Our family’s favorite day of the week is Rest Day! It’s one full day per week when we don’t work, we don’t cook, we don’t clean, and we don’t do chores. And this includes all family members–even mom and and dad! Instead, we rest, we eat, we laugh, we nap, we read God’s word and […]

Overcoming fear takes more than just slapping an affirmation on our soul and walking away.  Today, I want to talk about affirmations and take a new look at why they may not be working for you. You’re not alone in that, by the way.  Have you ever wondered why some verses that are commonly used […]

I am noticing in this era that the Lord is moving through women in the entrepreneurial space. There are tons of stay-at-home moms who are waking up and asking, “how can I increase our income and how can I do it on my terms?” new possibilities What’s really cool is that social media has allowed […]

If you’ve ever thought to yourself that a pain free natural childbirth must be a scam and that it’s impossible to have a natural birth that’s pain free, you’re in good company. A lot of women roll their eyes at the idea that you could enjoy birth or that it could be euphoric, let alone […]

One of the questions that came up recently on social media was “are you still worried that your husband is cheating?”  I answered this Instagram follower’s question that yes. I do still get triggered and I still have intrusive thoughts as I am still very much in the healing process. Sometimes my brain gets triggered […]

Do you think worry is contagious? I think worry is contagious.  This week, my little two year old started flowing clear snot out of his nose. It was just like a flooded street where the rain runs down into the drain.  And I knew right then in that moment: everybody’s going to start getting the […]

Reading my Bible and talking to the Lord more are on my list of most-important-things-to-do in 2024. I look back on 2023 with gratitude, but I also am just kind of blown away at how things can change in just a year. I want to document that more.  I don’t know about you, but I […]

Hi there, friend. If you experience anxiety or worry when it comes to gathering at certain family functions, you may want to learn how to maintain a position of peace and healthy boundaries. Despite awkward moments and difficult situations, better family dynamics are possible. Maybe you won’t achieve hallmark movies status, but you can certainly […]

God has so many amazing things for you. He really cares about the things that you’re worried about and have occasional anxiety about. I want you to know that feelings of anxiety come with the territory of living in this world. But you don’t have to face them alone–God cares about every part of your life. And when you […]

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