Welcome to Taking A Look, a place to quickly learn how you can earn lifetime income with Young Living Essential Oils (YLEO).
The goal here is to simply show what is available to YLEO members with the understanding that this may or may not be for you.
ZERO pressure!
Just good information so you can decide!
There are 5 posts here on this page.
Take a look at each post and write you answer to each post on a piece of paper nearby.
Once you’ve completed all of them (should take 30 minutes or less), reach out to the person who asked you to just take a look and shoot them a pic of your paper with your answers!
That’s it!
ENJOY these next few minutes and here is a permission slip to dream as big as your heart will allow!
Zoom in to the left hand side and look at both the orange and yellow box. “Silver” and “Gold”.
Then, go over to the column that says “average”.
This income is referred to as “residual income”. Which means it automatically deposits into your account each month, every month, for the rest of your life.
Last year, hundreds and thousands of YLEO members upgraded their status to silver and gold for the first time. Many more will do it in 2020.
Would your housing change?
Your grocery shopping be better?
Your education?
Your kids education?
Would your vacations change?
Would you have the same job?
Bonus info: YLEO income is willable. That means you can leave it to your spouse and/or children for them to enjoy forever.
When many of us started recommending YLEO to friends a few years ago, we had to spend most of our time educating people about oils and what they did. They weren’t as well known and it was a LOT of work.
Those days of YLEO distributors working hard to explain product are over!
Oils and non-toxic products are more common in the marketplace, and we have resources in place that make it SO easy for people to get started and plugged in to existing content. Which means you are not required to know everything about oils and what they do. You get to point people to resources so they can do their own research!
We have one simple reference guide of every YLEO product, a FB group that is loaded with education/community/with an
ability to ask questions, and a free testimonial site that has THOUSANDS of stories from people who had results and share what they did.
You know what else is well known?
Subscription boxes.
Most people know what they are, making it super simple for people to start with income strait away!
It is faster than ever to hit the ground running. You just need your own subscription box, talk to people about it and offer them an opportunity to take a look at this password protected page.
Did we mention that you have access to a group specifically for other families who are also doing this for the income? That means all the hand holding, help, and encouragement!
Noteworthy perks about YLEO:
They own their own farms and will send you to visit them.
They are a legacy network marketing company, having been around 25+ years. Stability like this matters when it comes to lifetime income.
They are the world leader of essential oils.
They are generous to both members and charities around the world.
They offer one of the most generous compensation plans around in network marketing, filled with bonuses and trips around the world.
We offer a wide variety of desirable products, which include pure CBD infused with essential oils, clean make up, pure essential oils that are producing THOUSANDS of testimonials of healing and more. There is something for EVERYONE. Including pets!
Retention in YLEO is unprecedented. Nearly half of YL customers (30%-50%) want to place a monthly order because they love it so much. Most network marketing companies celebrate 2%-8% of their customers placing monthly orders.
You are not required to have inventory. You buy ONLY products you need and want for your family.
Young Living will ship all orders, send promotional emails, cut paychecks, offer sales and deals, and make it very simple for you refer friends. Your only focus will be referring friends and showing them the income potential.
Your 100PV order (we will talk about that in another post) is tax deductible.
You’ll be ordering products that you already use around your home!
What if you spent a season investing time with Young Living in order to upgrade your bank account for the rest of your life?
What if you were given everything you needed to be successful, and had a group of people cheering you on?
What if you didn’t have to be an expert on oils/product, but instead pointed people to the experts?
If you had all your questions answered, and you had all the resources you needed to do this, could you and would you be able to find four people to do this with you?
If you say YES, you will get access to the business community that will help and inspire you to start MONTH ONE from the PDF!
Too many moms are letting stress sap the joys of motherhood. At Leslie Burris, I’ll teach you how to break up with worry for good, take better care of yourself and step into who God uniquely designed you to be.