I know how it feels to let worry consume you. My life is a classic redemption story, which I share openly with you on my Instagram and here on my blog. I experience true peace, and I want to help you experience it too.
A detox bath with natural ingredients is my go to for many ailments! It’s a great way to flush toxins, address muscle aches, and ease cold symptoms. Since the skin is the largest organ, it makes sense that a detox bath experience is near the top of the list when facing any kind of attack on the body’s immune system. I’ll give my kids a detox bath in the morning or after a long day. I even use detox baths for my own wellness because it’s the easy way to to improve overall health. The potential benefits are numerous.
I’m especially keen to use detox baths when we are dealing with the following:
skin conditions
sore muscles
respiratory conditions
and so much more!
As you know, I am an advocate for using home remedies first before bringing out big guns. This detox bath made from common household products has soothed our children during many ailments. It works with the body without interrupting its natural healing process. Using essential oils (these great things!) is optional in this bath. It is not required! However, using them after a bath is highly recommended by this mama!
I do this bath up to 3 times a day for best results, if needed.
I watch the children throughout the day and listen to my mom intuition to decide how many detox baths to give in a particular day. I feel comfortable giving this bath to all our kids and their ages range from 4mos-8yr.
The benefits of each of these ingredients seem endless and effective. There are many detox bath recipes, but I like to keep mine simple with one cup of epsom salt, one cup of hydrogen peroxide and one cup of baking soda. (If it’s for me or my husband, we double the recipe.)
I know how it feels to let worry consume you. My life is a classic redemption story, which I share openly with you on my Instagram and here on my blog. I experience true peace, and I want to help you experience it too.